By Dr Nick Barnes
August 1, 2019
Department of Health guidance suggests that you should start weaning your baby at around 6 months of age. Whilst I certainly recommend that to most families, babies with reflux may benefit from starting a little earlier, perhaps from as early as 4 months of age. Solids tend to stay down better than milk in refluxing babies, and this is a phenomenon we try and take advantage of in very young babies for whom adding carobel (a starch-based thickener) to their milk can often help reduce vomiting significantly.
An area that causes confusion and uncertainty is when to wean babies born prematurely, as the evidence for when to start solids in this group is sparse. Should you wait until they are 6 months old? Or 6 months past their due date? Certainly the degree of prematurity is important, and a baby born 3 months premature will behave very differently to one born just a few weeks early. Whatever their age, it is certainly important that a weaning baby is able to hold their head steady supported in a high chair.