Dear Parent(s)
Thank you for contacting me about your child's health. We will get in touch with you very soon to discuss your enquiry.
My PA will also be very happy to talk to you and can be contacted directly on 07306-785007.
Kind Regards
Dr Nick Barnes
Consultant Paediatrician
In my NHS post, one of my key roles is as the clinical lead for a special care unit caring for babies born as early as 17 weeks premature
The child with a heart murmur, heart rhythm disturbance, fainting or chest pain, or for precautionary cardiovasuclar screening
Working closely with a dietitian, I manage a range of feeding problems in young children, including cow's milk protein allergy
Coughing, wheezing, chest infections and asthma are very common, particularly in young children in the colder months
Abdominal pain and diarrhoea/constipation are often linked, and a careful history and examination is key to an assessment
Relatively common in children, access to an MRI brain scanner is available when required as part of your child's assessment
Navigating adolescence can be a tricky time for teenagers and parents, and physical and psychological difficulties often overlap
There may be something that you can't quite put a finger on, or you may feel that something isn't quite right...
I commonly see children with concerns about their weight, height or their general stature; a dietary assessment may be key